I help parents take control of their children’s eczema naturally, using a six-week step-by-step online course, personalised support, and a box full of all the premium eczema supplies you will need.

More about the course

The natural way to treat eczema!


Are you tired of multiple unhappy wakeups in the night?  

Frustrated with stained sheets from bleeding scratches at bedtime?  

Feel helpless seeing your little one in so much discomfort?  

Defeated, being handed another strong prescription cream to apply to your child’s sensitive skin?  

Unwilling to accept that eczema is a lifelong condition that “they might grow out of”?  

Overwhelmed by well-meaning family members and strangers offering unhelpful suggestions?

Heartbroken at the stares your child receives?

Navigating the eczema journey can be long and frustrating, full of trial and error.  It is difficult to weed out the proven and research-based information from the anecdotal.  It takes time to sift through all the information, create a plan, find all the products required, and then stick to it.  There is little support available if you have questions and need personalized advice.  Many people give up before seeing results.  

The Eczema Naturally programme will educate you and guide you through how to make changes that will improve your child’s skin condition.  Although eczema has no quick fix, this programme can offer you a few short-cuts, and empower you with step-by-step clear solutions for natural symptom management. 

I’m Gabrielle Pooley – a New Zealand trained physiotherapist (currently non-practicing), mother of four girls. Each of my children has had a different journey with eczema and food allergies.  I understand the pain parents go through trying to find answers and solutions for their children that isn’t simply “apply more steroids,” or “have you tried this cream.” Through the years I have spent countless hours researching and trialling different treatments, and I now share my wealth of knowledge and experience with you.  My children have been healed from severe eczema – now it’s time for your children to benefit as well.